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  1. Jweb

    Website background

    For Gradients I used CSS. Sometimes I would use images for decoration but not often.
  2. Jweb

    Website background

    I typically go with a pattern since it's easier to implement. Other times I just stick with a simple gradient.
  3. Jweb

    Went to arts school

    Yeah I had a similar experience, only learning about Art in School.
  4. Jweb

    The easiest to learn?

    Even though it was the easiest for me so far, it still took time to get to a decent state and that it would be layout. There is quite a bit involved with layout but I've been getting the hang of it. And it's been easier than things like composition.
  5. Jweb

    HTML templates

    Not at all, which is one of the reasons why I came here. To learn! I have gotten better at making them but right now it's a lot of trial and error and trying to figure out what works.
  6. Jweb

    What colours do you avoid in your graphics work?

    There was another thread about choosing the right colours (it also led to the discovery of a helpful tool for this) , in which I mentioned how it was tricky for me to decide what to use. It's something I still have to learn a lot about. I mention this since even though there might be colours...
  7. Jweb

    What graphics do you avoid working on?

    As I'm just learning now, I've just been taking on whatever comes my way for experience and growth. I haven't come across something I didn't necessarily enjoy but as I started getting into some more advanced aspects, that might change 😌
  8. Jweb

    Who are your favourite digital artists or designers?

    I've only recently jumped into this so I don't have any at the moment but I've come across random examples here and there that have helped me. Coming across a community like this also helps a lot to see what everyone else is doing. Definitely interested in who everyone else follows for inspiration.
  9. Jweb


    Thanks! Learning about SVG and Raster made me consider what format I should use when coming up with a graphic.
  10. Jweb


    Yeah, I've tried some other products but I usually go back to WordPress for this reason. Though sometimes I can get carried away with the amount of plugins I start adding. 😬
  11. Jweb


    As someone just getting into Graphics Design, some of the terminology (especially acronyms) can throw me off. What are some terms you think a beginner, such as myself, should know about as they are getting started. And if you can provide some concise definitions that would be great 😀
  12. Jweb

    DF Promotion Assets

    I've actually just started getting back into participating on forums and it's been enjoyable here so far. I'll start using the signature on other forums when I participate on them. It looks nice by the way!
  13. Jweb


    What are your thoughts on Bootstrap, if you used it or planning on it. When I first started learning about CSS (which wasn't actually that long ago), I also came across Bootstrap which looked much more complicated by comparison. After spending some time with CSS, I started to realize the value...
  14. Jweb

    Vanilla CSS

    I started first with basic CSS since it didn't seem as complicated as using frameworks. Once I got used to the basics, frameworks started to make more sense and I began to see the value of using frameworks as it makes things much easier. If I'm only planning on making a basic website, than...
  15. Jweb


    I've worked with it quite a bit. I like how much customization is available and the use of plugins makes it easy to get a lot of neat features working that you don't need to manually add in, as you mentioned.
  16. Jweb

    Responsive Websites

    I'm getting better at it. It's something I'm focusing on now, testing whether certain features work out on both platforms. Using frameworks and libraries help out a lot with this.
  17. Jweb

    AI generated logos and legal issues

    Yeah it's still such a new area and there is still a lot of discussion going on about commercial use that I would be wary about using it professionally.
  18. Jweb

    Have you ever used AI to design a logo?

    I've used it for myself, like my avatar for instance. I haven't designed logos (though it is on my to-do list) but it's probably something I would stick to on my own. I have noticed that AI doesn't always give you exactly what you want and that's something I would want if I'm designing a logo...
  19. Jweb

    When to use illustrator?

    I haven't really looked at Illustrator as I'm just learning Photoshop now, but it's something I do want to look at it later on. I've heard the same sentiments regarding Illustrator and scalable graphics. Something I can use if I wanted to make some logos.
  20. Jweb

    How long did it take you to learn graphics designing?

    Yeah, I have only learned the basics of a few tools so far but it's already much more than what I knew before.

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