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What's your favorite image editing software?

I love using Canva for my edits. Apart from the fact that it is easy and simple to use, I can get a lot of free templates that matches the project I want to do. So it really saves me a lot of time.
I have been using Canva a lot than Photoshop. The easiest of it all is that I can be at my working place and edit my work without any disturbance using my phone. Using free templates makes the work so easy too.
I make use of Canva right now for most of the graphics design jobs I work on but when it comes to image editing, I always run it with Photoshop. I have used GIMP at some point for it but I prefer Photoshop better.
GIMP is very good. Even though it's free, it can be very effective in any kind of image editing task that you want to carry out. It's also very good in image repair and recovery.
This is true. I was surprised when I first found out about GIMP when I was looking for a free alternative to Photoshop and knowing just how much you can do on GIMP, it's been the perfect alternative for me.
One of the good things about GIMP is the support for a variety of file formats. This is unique and even Photoshop lacks some.
You're very correct there. It's one of the areas which GIMP is better than Photoshop. Also, GIMP being an open-source software, it allows for full customization unlike what you get using Photoshop.

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