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How do you like your logo


Staff member
Apr 5, 2024
DF Dollars
I have seen two methods that usually people go for. One is minimal and simple logo, second, a very rich in detail logo. Which one are you?
I have seen two methods that usually people go for. One is minimal and simple logo, second, a very rich in detail logo. Which one are you?
I love my logo design to be simple but with a decent details. Without the details, it's not going to be that useful as it's supposed to be.
My portrait studio logos had a simplified look along with a piece of my artwork included. I would trade it out every few months to showcase a different portrait.
Anything that have to do with working on a sophisticated logo is not something I like to make use of because it is going to add too much details to the logo that might even impair it.
I am both minimal and simple and also rich in detail logo designer. It depends on the client and what the person wants. But for me, I love my logo to be minimal and simple.
I like to go for minimalist logo. I like basic designs (mainly geometrical lines) with the initials or full business name (in case it is short) in the logo.
Whenever I go for a logo design, I have always gone with basic, simple but also out there as well in terms of bold.

I feel sometimes you can go too far with a logo and it can go over the top.
Most big brands' logos are simple. I am sure there is a reason behind it.

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