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Full time or part time graphics designer?

It is not about working on full-time basis as a graphic designer that is the problem but being able to make enough money from working as a full-time graphic designer to be able to take care of your responsibilities that is going to be a problem. Those who are even working normal jobs on full-time basis are finding it very difficult to cope.

This is an eye-opener. I was looking at becoming a full-time graphics designer, but it seems that I won't be able to make the amount of money that would be enough to cover my bills.
How are working online as a graphics designer? Do you take on the job as a full time project or it's something that you're working on as a part time project to be combined with your other office job?

Would you be willing to take on being a graphics designer as a full time job?
I love to work from home so I will prefer Graphic designer as a part time job and I will like to focus only in one job.
Working as a graphic designer is something that I prefer to do as a part-time business because I have been doing this for a long time to know that I wouldn't get paid enough to make it my full time job. But if anything changes for the good, I'll do it as a full time job.

Theme customization system

You can customize some areas of the forum theme from this menu.

Choose the color combination according to your taste

Select Day/Night mode

You can use it by choosing the day and night modes that suit your style or needs.

Full screen or narrow screen

TYou can choose the body size of your theme as narrow or wide as you need.

Grill or normal mode

an use the forum listing structure in your theme to list in a grid structure or a normal structure.

Forum background images

You have control over the images added to the forum backgrounds, toggle the images on/off.

Turn off/on sidebar blog

To get rid of the crowd of the forum, you can get rid of unnecessary crowds by opening/closing the sidebar.

Turn off/on sticky sidebar

With sticky sidebar, you can use sidebar space faster and more efficiently.

Radius open/close

Close/open the folds on the block corners to reflect your style.

Welcome to the forum 👋, Guest

To access the forum content and all our services, you must register or log in to the forum. Becoming a member of the forum is completely free.