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Do you like wearing make up?

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Apr 7, 2024
DF Dollars
Wearing makeups is something that is more concerning ladies but I have seen men that also wear makeup.

Do you like wearing makeups? Do you think it is what makes you pretty or they are not necessarily needed for your beautification?
I have never put on a makeup as a man because it is not what a man does in my opinion, unless it's a gay who enjoys wearing makeups. What I do is to have my haircut when it is due for me to do so.
Wearing makeups is not something that I have any interest in doing as a man because the only thing that I do is to have my haircut when I am supposed to, take my bath, use my deodorant and I'm okay.
Unfortunately, I'm not doing anything with make ups. I have never bought it by myself, not even for my ex back in the days. She loves make up and I'll pay for her but I never touch it.
I don't like wearing makeups but my girlfriend do and you cannot blame her for doing so because she is a girl. Mostly all ladies love makeup so much because it helps them to build-boost their self-esteem and confidence.
Men are not supposed to wear makeup in my opinion unless if they are actors who need to wear makeup costumes in order to play the role day where supposed to play in the movie.
I used to like wearing makeup when I was younger. I always used to put a little makeup on when I was younger when I got ready for school and even after that for a short while after I left school I would wear makeup too.

Now it's rare I wear makeup.
I don't like wearing make ups. I know it's a girlish things but I am not always comfortable on it. I can wear make up for any big occasions but it's rare.

Make up doesn't make one beautiful rather it makes your beauty to radiate out more.
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