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Choosing the right colours


Staff member
Apr 5, 2024
DF Dollars
Do colour combinations confuse you? How do you decide which palette to use?
Another option is Paletton

Another option is Paletton

Thanks for this recommendation. As someone who is building their skills on it, I believe this link will be of great help to me.
Give it a try, Paletton is a great tool. Helps you out of thick spots for free.
When it comes to the tools which I use for choosing colours that I work with, it's Canva Color Palette Generator and Paletton that have been very helpful for me. I know about Adobe Colour which I've used a couple of times too, it's very good as well.
Choosing colour have been hard for me when I started. I will continue to change colour till I get the best of what I am looking for. It's not that hard but I am finding it easier with colours now.
When I started out my journey as a graphics designer, one of the first things I was taught after learning the basis of how to use any graphics design software of my choice for any work is how to choose the right colour for my work. Without getting the colours right, your work will be dull.
Choosing the best colors in graphic design will help to bring out the best in your end work. It's why I've never been in a haste to choose colors for my work. I make sure to understand the taregt audience for the job and also the emotional impact I want to get from it, then choose the right colours that's going to represent everything I wanted.
Adobe Colour helped me a lot when I was struggling with choosing the best colour combination for my work as a newbie. The moment I started using Adobe Colour, everything became very easy for me.
The same way choosing the right software and tools you're going to work with is very important is exactly the same way choosing the right colours for what you're going to be working on is very important. If you get your colors wrong, your work will be ruined from the very beginning.

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