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What do you think about living in the White House?


New member
Apr 7, 2024
DF Dollars
Let's assume that you have the possibility of living in the White House where the president of United States of America stays, would you take up such opportunity or you have other good reasons why you are going to avoid living in such majestic building?

If you would not be interested in living in the White House, what would be your reason for not wanting to live there?
Unfortunately, I would decline the possibility of living in the white house because it is a place that each and every of my movement is going to be monitored and I don't like someone breathing down my neck 24/7.
I will definitely love the prospect of living in the white house because I will have the best security in the world and I wouldn't lack anything living in that kind of environment or building.
I can't even think of one about living in the White House because I know that it's not possible in any way for me to step a foot in the White House and not to talk about living there.
I will never be interested in living in the white house because I know how tight the security used to be at that place. I can remember that last time I visited white house, I didn't even find it comfortable being in the environment.
Unfortunately, I would decline the possibility of living in the white house because it is a place that each and every of my movement is going to be monitored and I don't like someone breathing down my neck 24/7.
A lot of people are very concerned about their privacy and freedom of moving around which is the reason why it would be very difficult for them to accept the offer of living in the White House.

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