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Where do you find royalty free photos?


Apr 7, 2024
DF Dollars
When you're looking at finding high quality royalty free photos for the job you need to do, which platforms do you always find to be very helpful?

I've known about Shutter Stock (www.shutterstock.com) but I'm looking for other options.

Which one's have you used?
iStock is where I usually find what I needed. Although, the issue with iStock is that their stock images are not for free. They are all sold.
I've used Getty Images a couple of times but never really get all I wanted all the time from it. I'm looking for other good alternatives to start making use of.
Shutter Stock is the best place for me to get any kind of stock pictures that I need for the graphics what I have to work on. I don't think there is any platform that is better than it for me at the moment.
Shutter Stock is also what I am making use of for getting my pictures that I work with. Even though some of the pictures on the platform are paid for, I still find the ones I can be able to use.
Shutter stock have been helpful to me. I can get any kind of quality pictures for my design from there. There's other platforms but shutter stock has been my best.
There are so many websites where high-quality royalty-free photos can be found. Some of the best one's that I've used over the years are ; Unsplash, Pexels, Stocksnap.io and Reshot.
I have used both Unsplash and Shutterstock to get whatever I needed whenever I'm looking for high-quality royalty free images. There are definitely other alternatives but those two have stood out exceptionally well for me.
Burst by Shopify have been one of the best places I get my free stock photos from. They offer high quality images for entrepreneurs and website builders that's going to be very supportive for what they are working on.
I use a mix of sites like Shutter Stock but I mostly get mine from Envato Elements since I have a membership :)
I use a mix of sites like Shutter Stock but I mostly get mine from Envato Elements since I have a membership :)
I know about Shutter Stock and it's a good place to get them too.

How much does the membership on Envato Elements cost?
I am planning to get a subscription to Shutterstock. I need it for some projects and they have the best catalouge in the market. The price is a bit high compared to others but you will always find that you need.
I know about Shutter Stock and it's a good place to get them too.

How much does the membership on Envato Elements cost?

I would like to know as well. I have seen my tutor share some amazing photos from there that can make one feel really great with what they saw.
After looking for a while and as I couldn't pay for Shutterstock plan because it's very expensive, I had to settle with using Pixabay as my source for getting stock images.

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