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Do you use AI to assist in your design?


New member
Jun 4, 2024
DF Dollars
The AI is there to make designer’s work easier. You can use it to generate ideas, to critique your work or to fine tune it when you are done. AI can be a productive tool if it is used properly and in the right way.

Do you make use of AI when making designs?
Yes, it's something that I started doing recently. I tried to ignore it for a long time but I had to realise that AI will make it more easier for me to get my task done with great help. It's why I don't waste time to make use of it.
I use AI for inspiration in my designs. Sometimes I would need something that can be a guide for a project I want to do, AI proves to be handy then.
AI moves mad sometimes. Tell it what you expect from it and you will be getting different kinds of responses. I cannot depend on something that is so unreliable.
AI moves mad sometimes. Tell it what you expect from it and you will be getting different kinds of responses. I cannot depend on something that is so unreliable.
I understand what you mean, I’ve been there. There are times when I will just give up on it. But at times it can come handy as well. The trick is to know the right prompts to use.
I will only use AI to know the area I needed to put more effort in my works. It has proven to be good but I don't rely always on it.
You are going to be putting yourself in a disadvantage position if you are overlooking all the AI tools that are available for you to use and assist yourself in whatever project you are working on. This is because those AI tools makes it very easy for you to do an excellent job.

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