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Ever had injury at your workplace?

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New member
Apr 7, 2024
DF Dollars
The nature of work someone is involved with is what is going to determine the possibility of the person getting injured while working.

What's the nature of your job and have you been unfortunate to get injured while you are working at your duty post?
I have never been injured at my workplace because I am a cashier working at a bank. I don't have anything that is going to potentially have me hurt when I am doing my job on the front desk.
I haven't had any direct injury at work because I don't work in the department where it's possible for me to get hurt with work. I was even told by my boss to be mindful of what's going on so I don't hurt myself.
Before I will get injured at work, it means that I have gone out of my way to do the things I am not supposed to do which will put me in harm's way. Fortunately, I haven't done that and as a result I've not been injured at work.
Nope, I don't have any experience with getting any kind of injury at work. It's going to be very difficult for a staff in our office to get hurt.
I've never been injured at work although, a follow staff fell off the stairs one time and she broke her arm. I think she's the only one that have been injured in our workplace over a long period of time.
I have been pretty careful at work that I have not had any injuries while working. The most important thing is for one to be able to make use of the safety measures needed to have a successful stay at the workplace.
I work from home but the times I used to work out of the home before my social anxiety got the better of me, I can't say that I ever had any incidents or accidents in the workplace.
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