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What's your average cost of design per hour?


New member
Apr 7, 2024
DF Dollars
I know there's a possibility of each graphics designer having a different price card for their jobs because of how each works quality affects the price. But if there's a way to look at what you're going to charging per hour for your work, what's going to be the cost?
What I know is that the median hourly rate for graphic designers work is set at $25 per hour. On some freelance website, they can range from $15 to $35 per hour.
I charge $25 per hour and that's what I charged back in the 90s as well. My fee hasn't increased because I think that in these economic times that people really need a break. I still put in more than what they pay!
Even though I'm currently charging $20 per hour, I'm still not getting enough jobs to keep me paid well. It's not like I'm not good at my job, it just doesn't pay me well yet.
I'm currently changing 30 dollars per hour for my graphic design work and it's a rate that is worth what I am offering to my clients. No one have ever complained that I charge too high.
In order for me too contend with the competition in the graphic design market, I am currently charging $20 per hour which is still difficult for me to get a lot of jobs to work on.
It actually depends on what I am working on for a client but most of the time I normally charge between $20 to $30 per hour. If it is something that sophisticated, I will specifically charge $30 per hour.
What I know is that the median hourly rate for graphic designers work is set at $25 per hour. On some freelance website, they can range from $15 to $35 per hour.

When I started, I was charging around 8 dollars per hour because I was trying to get more clients to patronise my services. However, my rate card has now increased to 30 dollars per house as a result of my ability to do the work better.

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